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Planning a Trip to Israel?



Ask a Tour Guide

Send your questions about visiting Israel, history of Israel, or questions you have about news from here, and we will reply asap. We will also post the answers to questions that other people might like to hear about on this page.

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Q: Jerusalem is so hot in the summer. Can we just stay at the hotel pool? 


A: Park Teddy - across from the Mamilla Mall - has water fountains that you can run through! It's a perfect place to visit after a great day of touring.



Private Tours in Jerusalem and Throughout Israel


At Jerusalem Chai Kids we can help make your visit to Israel everything you hope it will be!


Would your family like a full day tour in Jerusalem that also includes some of Ateret Cohanim's most amazing sites and stories? How about fun and meaningful visits to the Dead Sea, Tel Aviv, Tzfat and throughout Israel planned specifically to match your family's interests and schedule?


Celebrating a bar or bat mitzvah in Israel? We can make it extra special. 


Support the important work of Ateret Cohanim, while you enjoy the benefits of touring with a licenced guide in Israel.


Write to for more information.


Q: We did a trip to Israel for my older brother's bar mitzvah 2 years ago, and I think we already saw everything! His bar mitzvah was at the Western Wall. We visited the City of David, Hurva and Temple Institute. What can we do this time in Jerusalem that our family will want to do for my bar mitzvah trip?
A: How about doing your bar mitzvah at the Kotel Katan? Your family might like to climb on the walls of Jerusalem in the Jerusalem Ramparts walk from Jaffa Gate to the Lion's Gate. Have you been to Tzedkiyahu's Cave? There is an amazing newly opened tunnel from the City of David all the way to the foundations of the Western Wall! If you haven't done the Shield of Jerusalem Tour yet, definitely include it in your plans. 

Q: A kid in my class said that the Western Wall is in East Jerusalem. Is that true?

A: Stay tuned...answer to be posted soon.

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